Plan miasta Corspel

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Torrevieja Nahod HQ VB KZ XJ TO YU QZ WH

Corspel - Najnowsze wiadomości:

need help, greatly aprreciated!

mispel.txt is text with mispelt words corspel.txt is dictionary here is what i have so far that split the mispelt.txt into lines import sys import string infile = open('mispel.txt', 'r') infile2 = open('corspel.txt', 'r').read() ...
źródło: BlogSearch


corSpel=() let count=1 #array for spell checker checker=(`ispell -l -p ~/.checked5 < $1`) echo "" #for loop to correct mispelled words for i in ${checker[*]}; do read -p "$i is mispelled. Press \"Enter\" to keep ...
źródło: BlogSearch


corSpel=() let count=1 #array for spell checker checker=(`ispell -l -p ~/.checked5 < $1`) echo "" #for loop to correct mispelled words for i in ${checker[*]}; do read -p "$i is mispelled. Press \"Enter\" to keep ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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